Responding to customers from anywhere-anytime | Empowering customer experience

responding to customers from anywhere


Salesforce CRM along with Communicat-O has helped a lot of organizations to achieve a higher level of efficiency and customer satisfaction rates. Intelligent, connected, fast, and secure digital service gives organizations a chance to improve their customer satisfaction and experience. Higher customer satisfaction leads to increased customer turnout which in turn generates higher revenues for the organizations.


Market leaders are the Innovators!

Technological advancement has been constant in our life since the dot-com boom. We see new technology coming in and outdating the ones in use almost every decade. The success of businesses depends on innovation and the adoption of the latest technology, they must keep up with the constant changes in the technology department to thrive and survive otherwise they too will become obsolete like the outdated technology.

This is the decade of Digital Transformation. Businesses are digitally transforming across all the industries at a blistering speed, which has also seen an unprecedented demand for quality and customer support. It is essential to keep up with this demand otherwise businesses are at risk of losing out the customers to their competitors who are more agile and responsive. 


What is Digital transformation?

In simple terms, it is the integration of digital technology in all the areas of the business i.e. process, products, and strategies. But the unusual thing to notice here is, it is not the companies that are driving this change, it is the customers. Today, customers anticipate, whatever the businesses are doing and all the information related to their products or services, to receive on the device of their choosing. 

You must contemplate embracing the technology with your business to emulate these new “always connected” customers and to deliver the superlative customer experience. You can integrate Salesforce CRM with your system to strengthen your customer support department.

About 35% of business executives claim that digital transformation has helped them in better customer support. 


We all know that it is the customers who make or brakes a business. Customer service plays an important role in deciding brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and long-term customer relationships. And in this digital era, you need to stand out from your competitors to even get noticed by the customers.


How can you stand out?

A satisfied customer brings more business to you than some celebrity endorsing it. Just as excellent customer service can rev up your revenues, a poor customer experience will be perilous to your business. 


One of the most important things to do is to show your customers that you care for them. Studies show that almost 70% of customers will leave and never buy from you again if they feel that you don’t care about them. 

Businesses must meet customers’ needs throughout their purchase journey, right from researching about the product or services to buying it. Your job is not done here, to stand out from the rest of the competitors and to make your customer repeat their purchase, you must stay in touch and fulfill your customer’s need even after they had made the purchase. And to make this happen you must provide effective and efficient customer service anytime and anywhere, that the customer can pick up their conversation with you from where they left.

To make this happen and to come out victorious in the battle of acquiring more customers among your competitors, you must have a sound CRM integrated with your system. Here comes into the play Salesforce CRM, there is no doubt that there are innumerable benefits of implementing Salesforce CRM in your business.

Communicat-O is one such powerful business communication and integration tool for your Salesforce CRM that gets together all your messaging and social media to a unified inbox with abilities to bulk messages, assign conversations, real-time analytics, and more. 

With Communicat-O, you can respond to your customer from anywhere and at any time. This gives your team an add on advantage as by using their mobile they can offer a personalized customer experience even when they are away from their desk. In this competitive world if you can respond to your customers faster than your competitors then you have a competitive advantage. Mobile CRM contains many features that are on the desktop and have the potential for even more. 

Communicat-O can integrate all the messages from all around the social media platform into one unified inbox. This gives the advantage of connecting to your customer faster than your competitors and you don’t need to sit at your desks, you have a mobile phone you can connect to them from anywhere and can access all the messages in one place. Faster response, real-time problem solving, and personalized customer service are what will attract customers to your business. Implementation of Communicat-O ensures all these benefits.


Benefits of using Communicat-O that helps in enhancing customer experience


  • Communicat-O is the only mobile-ready multi-channel social media messaging tool for your Salesforce CRM. It offers customers multi-Channel and real-time support.

  • It provides customers a user-oriented experience with an easy-to-navigate app experience, guiding in each step involved in the process of making a purchase.

  • It empowers your employees with all the data that they need to resolve customers’ grievances in a fast and effective manner with a touch of personalization.

  • Communicat-O ensures lag-free communication with your customers. Ensuring that no customer chats are ended in between, without actually helping the customer out.

  • Communicat-O comes with the ability to generate reports and showcase accurate time analytics to identify trends, with the help of which you can customize your campaigns which will help in empowering the customers and enhancing their experience.

  • Increases customer satisfaction rate with a highly intuitive personalized digital service.


Salesforce CRM along with Communicat-O has helped organizations to achieve a higher level of efficiency and customer satisfaction rates. Intelligent, connected, fast, and secure digital service gives organizations a chance to improve their customer satisfaction and experience. Higher customer satisfaction leads to increased customer turnout which in turn generates higher revenues for the organizations.

Head Office

Office No 204-206, 2nd Floor, Global Business Park Zirakpur, Punjab

Branch Office

Level 3, Augusta Point, Golf Course Road, Parsvnath Exotica, Sector 53 Gurugram, Haryana

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Create large volumes of personalized conversations with minimal drudgery and maximum impact. across social media and text messaging platform

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