How are universities using Communicat-O to keep students in class?

Communicat-O to keep students in class

In today’s dynamic world everything is changing so constantly and with this dynamism around, people need to catch up with this continuously evolving world. And in the race of catching up, they tend to miss out on some important things that they were supposed to do. Everyone needs someone for assistance so that they can be reminded of things that they were supposed to do in their busy, fast-paced life. Life can get much easier if people will start getting reminders. Instead of getting confused in between things, they can easily sort out their stuff and act accordingly without missing anything important.


One such area is where reminders play an important role in the education of the pandemic era. We are still not acclimatized to this new era of education, online-based education. It is instilled in us that we have to go to schools and colleges, our physical presence is necessary, attend classes and just have to follow the timetable that the institutions have made for us. In this traditional approach of acquiring education, here we don’t need anyone to send reminders to us for the classes, assignment submission date, fee submission due to date, etc. We just have to follow what is written in the paper for us, moreover, we have people around us to remind us of the said things. 


But this traditional form of education has been completely transformed since the start of the pandemic. Physical presence is no more required, we can attend lectures or classes just by sitting in our bedrooms. Now, in-person contact with fellow students has been limited. Students tend to forget time-table, assignments dates, fees submission dates, etc. Even teachers find it difficult to keep up with the assigned schedule in their homes with no one reminding them of it. Most of the institutions are now focusing more on salesforce SMS marketing as a medium between them and students. To keep them up to date with all the relevant information regarding their college, classes, professors, assignments, etc. 


How can Salesforce SMS marketing be used to bridge the gap between students and institutions?


Education Institutions require a good medium through which they can generate automated messages in bulk and through which they can send these messages and can also receive all the messages in one place. Communicat-O is the only mobile-ready multi-channel social media messaging tool for Salesforce CRM with the ability to integrate numerous messaging and social media platforms like SMS, Whatsapp, Facebook messenger, Instagram DMs, and many more in one unified platform. Also, Communicat-O has pre-configured replies for frequent queries that the people usually have.


With the powerful AI, Communicat-O lets institutions send messages in bulk to every student irrespective of the social media platform they are using. Students are mostly clung to their mobile phones using social media almost every time. With the help of this tool, colleges can send reminders about the class schedules to all the students with just a click of a mouse. A quick reminder before the class can make a lot of difference in student turnout ratio whether it is an offline class or an online class. As pandemic prevails with the colleges and schools shut, this has become the need of the hour as students are more likely to forget their class schedule. A reminder about the class does not only help students but teachers also. Teachers also need assistance to keep up with their tight schedules. 


Sending SMS from salesforce as a reminder informing about what is required in the class or what topics do students need to pre-read before the class also aids teachers and students both. Students won’t miss out on the topic that is being taught and teachers won’t have to make alterations in their schedule. A personalized text can also help in improving the student turnout ratio as studies show that 97% of the text messages are read within 3 minutes.


What’s more headache than an assignment submission for the students? Most of the students forget about the deadline for the submission, and one day before the submission date they work all night to complete the assignment. Working in such a manner does not give the desired result. Projects that have been done in one night will not be at par with those that have been done with due diligence. A set of reminder messages using salesforce in-app messaging will help the students to maintain their focus on the completion and submission of the assignments before the deadline.


Communicat-O is a Salesforce CRM tool that automates the process of sending messages in bulk, to all of its audience. A seminar is going to happen in a college, you just have to feed in the data and the rest will be processed by Communicat-O. Sending information about the dates and place, where the seminar is gonna take place, then sending reminders to students and teachers, Communicat-O will take care of all this with the help of Salesforce in-app messaging.  


Prospective students also appreciate reminders for their appointment dates with the faculty or the administrative staff, reminders for campus visits, etc. Text messaging is a personal form of communication and it’s no secret that students nowadays are seen with their mobile phones more than any other thing. A well-formed, personalized SMS from the college’s admission office will also provide a sense of belongingness and in return which will result in a higher student turnout ratio.

Colleges don’t have to waste their resources on these small tasks of sending reminders, instead, they can focus on improving the quality of education that they provide. They just need to implement Salesforce CRM and the rest will be taken care of by Communicat-O. Saving higher education institutions a lot of time and resources and improving the satisfaction rate among their students, prospective students, and their teachers as well.

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